LMT- Development
Trademark Development
Whether you are trying to start a business/brand and just need help with coming up with a name or you want to rebrand we have you covered. Our 30 min trademark development call would be perfect for you.
LMT- Registration
Trademark Registration
Are you looking to protect your Trademark in ALL 50?
Then start the federal trademark registration process today.
Each of our packages includes our trademark search services.
Trademark Monitoring
Have you already registered your trademark but need help monitoring it. Then our trademark monitoring service would be perfect for you. Gain a peace of mind knowing that your trademark is being monitored.
LMT- Licensing
Trademark Licensing & Montization
Are you looking to license or assign your trademark rights out to different brands or business? Then our trademark licensing & monetization services would be best for you.
LMT- Search
Trademark Comprehensive Search
Are you just now deciding on the perfect name but you want to make sure it's available before you start investing in building your business or brand? Then a trademark comprehensive search would be perfect for you.
LMT- Usage Counseling
Trademark Usage Advice/Counseling
Are you looking for legal advice and counseling on how to properly use your trademark before and/or after registration? Then this 1hr legal strategy call would be perfect for you.
Trademark Renewal/Maintance
Is it time for you to renew your trademark with the USPTO? Then let us help you properly file your renewal so that your mark will not be canceled by the USPTO for an untimely or an inproper renewal submission.
Trademark Infringment
Do you believe someone is infringing on your trademark rights and you need help enforcing those rights? Then our 1-hour case evaluation call would be best for you.